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The Good Author
is written by Carina Sammartino, a veteran book publicist who’s worked behind several New York Times bestsellers and thousands of other books. She’s worked with authors at all stages of their careers and as a result made a critical observation: some people write books and some become authors - there’s a difference.

The intention of this newsletter is to demystify some of the publishing process -- especially publicity – and attempt to educate, entertain, and inspire with stories and information normally only shared inside the industry.

Carina is the Founder and President of Parallel 33 PR, a book publicity and literary services agency focused on non-fiction authors in the genres of lifestyle, entertainment, mind/body/spirit, health, and wellness, and specializing in branding, PR and strategy for authors and publishers.

She created The Good Author as an educational resource and platform to showcase author success stories and dissect what’s worked to move the needle the most. Check out her ebook, The Good Author MBA Starter Kit: Mindset. Brand. Attitude.

When she’s not wrangling authors, she’s managing two teenagers, three dogs (a Frenchie, a rescue, and an OCD Belgian Malinois/German Shepherd), a horse, and a slightly over-the-top husband/drummer/skydiver/basejumper in sunny San Diego.

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Subscribe to The Good Author

Some people write books, some become authors. There's a difference. Subscribe for behind-the-scenes stories, tips, and inspiration from bestselling authors and the professionals behind them.


Book publishing professional of 20 years, President of Parallel 33 PR, a book publicity and literary services agency focused on non-fiction lifestyle & wellness authors.